Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Blog

Hello Everyone!! Hope you are enjoying the Holidays!!!

As you can tell from the dates of my blog post I haven't been posting as regularly as I would like to. I hope to pick that up again soon.

However, I am starting a new blog starting January 1, 2011. You can check it out at

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Update

I started this blog with the intention of writing a new post at least once a week. In the beginning I wrote 3 or 4 times a week and then that slowly became less and less. Now I have only been posting every few months. That isn't because I have given up on writing, I have actually taken on 3 additional writing projects.

I just finished writing what was intentionally planned to be a short story or short film, it has now turned it into a web-series and I hope in the near future to begin casting and filming on the series which will be posted online.

I also just finished a new short story that I hope to submit into a writing contest soon and possible make into a short film a little later down the road.

The other thing I am working on is an online writing class that is interactive with the teacher for 6 weeks. We do a webinar once a week and have one or two writing assignments each week. This will be week three.

I'm sorry I haven't posted more here on my blog but hope to once the writing class finishes and I have a little more free time.

I will keep everyone updated on the writings I have completed and any new information as far as a short film or web series being produced.

The fall weather is here and the leaves are starting to change colors. Hope everyone is enjoying it!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

3 months

Wow! I knew it had been a long time, but was shocked to see that it has been 3 months since my last blog post.

It has been an eventful three months to say the least.

During the flooding that afffected downtown Nashville and several areas throughout Tennessee, my work was forced to extend our hours and begin working 18 hour days to see all patients at our facility. The office we have downtown was badly flooded and closed for almost 4 weeks.

My brother graduated high school during that time as well. Shortly after, my Grandmother of my Father's side of the family passed away.

I then made a quick weekend trip to Jackson where I lived for 3 1/2 years.
I also finished writing a short story and have begun writing the sequel to it. (I guess I could put them together and make a longer book, but I think they work better as two smaller stories).

So now that I have shared the events of my three months since my last posting, and now that the hours at work have returned to normal, I plan to begin posting again more regularly.

Now time for dinner! :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Power Of The Internet & Dreams

Betty White will host Saturday Night Live in May. How did the 88 year old actress make this decision. Not by executives at NBC calling. It all started by a fan campaign on Facebook.

After watching Betty White receive the Lifetime Achievement Award on The Screen Actor's Guild Awards, a fan started a page on facebook to try and convince Saturday Night Live that they should have Betty White on the show as a host. Over 500,000 fans later, Betty White and Saturday Night Live have come to an agreement, and Betty White will host the shows May 8th episode.

It's amazing to me what a small facebook page started by 1 fan can turn into. It also shows the power of the internet. With almost everyone today having access to the internet, it is so much easier to reach people just by simply posting something on a blog or facebook page. It also shows me that dreams really can come true.

For this one person, that had a dream of seeing the legendary actress on their favorite tv show, so they simply started a fan page to try and get others like him to follow & now his dream is coming true.

This is a lesson, that any dream, whether it be something big or small, is possible.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Kindness The Snow Brings In Others.

I know several people are tired of snow. Me personally, I love it. In Tenneessee we don't see snow often, and when we do it is usually very minimal. One thing I have noticed during the last two months of snow showers is the kindness of others being shown.
Living in an apartment complex you get "people watch" just by looking out your window. You have neighbors all around you. Most days, people are in their own world focused on their day ahead. They get in their car, go where they need and return home and enter their apartments, never thinking about those all around in the same complex.
During the snow, I have seen people outside talking together, walking dogs together through the snow, kids playing, neighbors scrapping snow off other neighbors cars, neighbors giving others car a push to help them get off the ice or snow that has them stuck. Most of these things people don't regularly think about, but in a situation such as snow when everyone is affected by the same thing, it seems to bring them closer together.
In "Frosty the Snowman" it was his hat that was magic and brought him to life, but just maybe is was the snow that had some magic in it. It definately seems to here, by bringing others closer and displaying acts of kindness that you normally don't see.
As with all things the snow will melt, but my wish it that this kindness that I have seen during the recent snow will continue even on days where the sun is bright and shining. We would all be living in a better world, if we just applied one act of kindness each day.
I hope you are all enjoying the snow as much as I am!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

I hope everyone has had a great day!!
This weekend I watched the movie "Valentine's Day" and recommend it to everyone. It was funny and told a great story. It took several smaller stories and tied them all together with one theme, "love". Some were happy, others not as much. The stories ranged from a young boy with his first crush to a couple who had been married for several years.
If you are looking for a fun feel good film, I would suggest putting this on your list.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

500 Days of Summer & Glee

Two things that I have really enjoyed lately are the movie "500 Days of Summer" & the tv show "Glee". The movie is now out on dvd. The tv show has aired 13 episodes which are all out on dvd now and it will be back on FOX in April with 9 new episodes. The tv show has also released 2 CDs with the cast singing their versions of classic songs. I listen to them quite oftem in my car.

Just thought I would pass these two things along, in case someone might be looking for something fun and entertaining to do.


Snow! As everyone has probably seen on the news the last couple of days, the weather forcasters were predicting some snow showers, mainly on Thursday and moving out by Friday, leaving behind colder weather.

On Wednesday I saw where we were expected to receive 2-6 inches of snow. By that evening it had been reduced to 1-2 inches. Schools had already began to close for the next day. By Thursday morning, the snow had yet to fall in my area and the news was not saying we would only receive about .5 inch. It did eventually start falling on Thursday and continued off and on for most of the day. On Friday I was suprised to see that is had started snowing agian and was snowing all day long, for longer that it had the day before. Before going to sleep Friday night I was watching the news and the weather forcaster was showing a map where snow was falling and heading this way. Apparently they didn't think this snow would reach our area but sometime the weather can be unpredictable. It has since snowed all night Friday, and it continues to snow even three ours after I woke up this (Sat.) morning.

I began to think about the weather predicting major snow fall on Thursday, when in reality what we received on Thursday wasn't very much and we have actually received more on Friday and now today, both days that the weather was calling for minor flurries if anythings. I don't blame the forcasters, because like everything else, the weather is unpredictable. You can guess and make estimates about what will happen but you can never be certain until the even arrives.

The weather's unpredictablilty is a lot like life. We can make plans and can guess how things will happen, but until the moment arrives we never really know. I am one of those people who likes to be orgainized. I like to keep list to help me stay organized and remember things I need to know or do. While I don't think I will ever stop making list, I am working on not relying on them as much. Accepting each day for what it is, a new opportunity to enjoy life. Like the weather, life can be unpredictable at time, so the best philophsy I know, is to "just go with it and make the most of every minute".

I hope for myself and all of you that 2010 is a great year to enjoy all that life has to offer. Today it is offering snow, so go out and make a snowman, or have a snowball fight.

Enjoy each day! For now I am going out to enjoy the snow!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!

I know, I'm a few days late to be wishing you a happy new year, but honestly it doesn't have to be about just one day. You can give someone well wishes anyday, anyime of the year. For the first week, I hope everyone has had a happy and healthy 2010 and continue to have many more.

I have decided to set goals for myself this year. I decided since this year is 2010, then I will create 10 goals. Everyone usually makes resolutions, (diet, go to the gym, stop smoking, etc.) those things are great but they usually don't last very long. If you are going to do one of those things it has to be about making a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix because its new years and you have to make that resolution for the new year. I have tried different diets and exercise programs before (some working better than others). The ones that generally work are the ones I use when I am trying to make a change and get healthy, not just a quick diet to loose a few pounds.

This year I have decided to set goals instead. Things I want to do, to accomplish, over the next year. Some may be things like taking more time to write and read, both things I enjoy doing, but don't make enough time for. Others will vary but they will all be things that I want to do or do more of this new year.

The last goal on my list of 10 is going to be something a little harder to reach. It won't be as simple as picking up a book and reading for 20 extra minutes. It will be something that will take time and I will have to work hard to make it happen. Hopefully this time next year, when I pull out my list of goals, I can check most of them off and can say Job Well Done.

I hope if you set goals or resolutions for the new year that you follow through with them and get all you wanted from it. I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2010.