Saturday, January 9, 2010


Snow! As everyone has probably seen on the news the last couple of days, the weather forcasters were predicting some snow showers, mainly on Thursday and moving out by Friday, leaving behind colder weather.

On Wednesday I saw where we were expected to receive 2-6 inches of snow. By that evening it had been reduced to 1-2 inches. Schools had already began to close for the next day. By Thursday morning, the snow had yet to fall in my area and the news was not saying we would only receive about .5 inch. It did eventually start falling on Thursday and continued off and on for most of the day. On Friday I was suprised to see that is had started snowing agian and was snowing all day long, for longer that it had the day before. Before going to sleep Friday night I was watching the news and the weather forcaster was showing a map where snow was falling and heading this way. Apparently they didn't think this snow would reach our area but sometime the weather can be unpredictable. It has since snowed all night Friday, and it continues to snow even three ours after I woke up this (Sat.) morning.

I began to think about the weather predicting major snow fall on Thursday, when in reality what we received on Thursday wasn't very much and we have actually received more on Friday and now today, both days that the weather was calling for minor flurries if anythings. I don't blame the forcasters, because like everything else, the weather is unpredictable. You can guess and make estimates about what will happen but you can never be certain until the even arrives.

The weather's unpredictablilty is a lot like life. We can make plans and can guess how things will happen, but until the moment arrives we never really know. I am one of those people who likes to be orgainized. I like to keep list to help me stay organized and remember things I need to know or do. While I don't think I will ever stop making list, I am working on not relying on them as much. Accepting each day for what it is, a new opportunity to enjoy life. Like the weather, life can be unpredictable at time, so the best philophsy I know, is to "just go with it and make the most of every minute".

I hope for myself and all of you that 2010 is a great year to enjoy all that life has to offer. Today it is offering snow, so go out and make a snowman, or have a snowball fight.

Enjoy each day! For now I am going out to enjoy the snow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kirk,
    What a great analogy between life and the weather. I like it!
