Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Kindness The Snow Brings In Others.

I know several people are tired of snow. Me personally, I love it. In Tenneessee we don't see snow often, and when we do it is usually very minimal. One thing I have noticed during the last two months of snow showers is the kindness of others being shown.
Living in an apartment complex you get "people watch" just by looking out your window. You have neighbors all around you. Most days, people are in their own world focused on their day ahead. They get in their car, go where they need and return home and enter their apartments, never thinking about those all around in the same complex.
During the snow, I have seen people outside talking together, walking dogs together through the snow, kids playing, neighbors scrapping snow off other neighbors cars, neighbors giving others car a push to help them get off the ice or snow that has them stuck. Most of these things people don't regularly think about, but in a situation such as snow when everyone is affected by the same thing, it seems to bring them closer together.
In "Frosty the Snowman" it was his hat that was magic and brought him to life, but just maybe is was the snow that had some magic in it. It definately seems to here, by bringing others closer and displaying acts of kindness that you normally don't see.
As with all things the snow will melt, but my wish it that this kindness that I have seen during the recent snow will continue even on days where the sun is bright and shining. We would all be living in a better world, if we just applied one act of kindness each day.
I hope you are all enjoying the snow as much as I am!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!

I hope everyone has had a great day!!
This weekend I watched the movie "Valentine's Day" and recommend it to everyone. It was funny and told a great story. It took several smaller stories and tied them all together with one theme, "love". Some were happy, others not as much. The stories ranged from a young boy with his first crush to a couple who had been married for several years.
If you are looking for a fun feel good film, I would suggest putting this on your list.